Finally, this feature1 think fit again to repeat the already made us in the beginning, the statement that we do not have the slightest hope is to exhaust the question of the causes of amazing success, which in this war, almost inseparable was followed German armies.
Identify all the elements of this success, to specify the reasons for which promoted the defeat of French troops, currently impossible, not only in a brief essay, which we presented to readers, but also in the wider labor, as many of these causes and the elements can be quite clear, Only later, when the events of this era, comes a fair and impartial trial in history.
Pointing to the state-level education in the German and French armies, the military organization, a way to bring the armies at war, the appliance logistics, travel and general preparation for war, speaking about the internal order in the troops of the army, their weapons, means of action and spirit of the troops - we are meant primarily to show a difference which existed in all these respects, between the two warring parties. Therefore, we consider ourselves quite satisfied if this essay we have been able to quit while one ray of light on the reasons that really have an impact on the course of military developments.
In doing so, we allow ourselves to say the following:
In military affairs, as in any other, pay more attention to the external side, the fact that more striking and, thus, the phenomenon usually try to find the causes visible belonging to him and the results of other events. Moral same reason, it is difficult to contain external and superficial observation - for the most part unnoticed, or they ascribe secondary importance, while in reality they are very important and very often the main engines of the case.
Then, it seems to us that it would be wrong not to recognize the impact on the course of military events, those talented individuals sometimes brilliant, energy and skill which provide significant advantage to the party at the ministry which is dedicated to their work.
Of course, at present, individuals can not already have such a strong influence on the course of historical events, which, in all fairness, attributed to some government and military leaders of the past, but certainly that, and now the percentage of such power still rests with the people far distinguished from the general environment.
Therefore, we think that, when assessing one or another historical phenomenon, should not be ignored influence on them, political or military talent which undoubtedly recognized as contemporaries, and offspring.
After the wars of Frederick the Great, thought that the whole success of his campaign depended on the rifle techniques, marching and linear tactics Prussian military regulations.
The success of the Prussian troops in the war in 1866 attributed, almost exclusively, superiority of handguns, which were armed with Prussian army.
Finally brilliant results of the success of German troops in this campaign are, primarily, on the one hand, the excellent organization of the army and its artillery, and on the other hand, a perfect nepodgotovke France to the war and the poor state of its military government.
However, we believe that as the victory of German troops, and the lesions French armies, in addition, are more profound causes, and that, consequently, it would be unfair to the success of winners and losers setback applies only to a visible facts: because that - how much of this war have played a role supremacy organization odneh armies and neustroystvo others - at the same, if not yet over, acting and moral reasons.
We think that some may be very large, share the success of the Prussian weapons should be attributed to the moral movement, which embraced, the real war, all of Germany from the North and Baltic Sea to the Alps and the Danube - to the movement that may be , Kept the Austrian Government Madyarskoy empire from its close alliance with France and united into one huge national army fragmented state of German fatherland.
Similarly, the cause of injuries suffered by the French armies, we recognize not only the unsatisfactory organization, nepodgotovku to war and lack of talent of some of their principal chiefs, but, in our view, all lesions French troops surrender in one hundred thousandth armies in the delivery of fortresses equipped with huge military stockpile - a devastating impact vliyavliyanie administration last twenty years.
In conclusion, we once again repeat that will feel quite satisfied if this essay, representing the results of our short stay in the theater of war and our personal experience - sometimes very difficult - helps explain although some questions posed by readers in the real war - Etoyu struggle for life and death, two races - a German and Latin - for which such intense attention and participation should be all Russia.
1) The essay we had already recruited and the latest lists of being printed when the telegraph brought news of the truce negotiated by Paris. But this is an important event in no way alters expressed our views about the method of action warring parties.
While this act of modern warfare, we are actually referring readers to explain why, in our essay on the location of the opponents of Paris, we use everywhere now, while the current location of the Prussian troops may be changed.