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Chapter 5 - Preliminary examination of theater


V. Preliminary examination of theater


Operating Plan: The main apartment in the body in the convoy. Clear

distribution regiments. Everywhere timing. In correspondence between

the army should present this case clearly and briefly,

in the form of notes without major titles; future same business

identify forward to the day or on two.



Anyone who has closely followed the progress of this war, could not help but notice - the extent to which thoroughly examined the Prussian local theater and a mass of diverse information about the locations at which they had to act, they were gathered before the start of the campaign. Cards issued by the French General Staff, they were carefully checked, published in German and distributed in huge quantities, not only officers of the General Staff, but the ranks of other staff and offices as well as in parts of the troops.
By that local residents of French provincial working Prussian chosen their conductors are often surprised that Prussian officers pointed out to them on the map of these roads, of which they knew nothing, and which, however, proved quite convenient for the movement of troops .
Even before the war began, the Prussian General Staff was made several trips so-called General Staff (General Stabs Reisen) to the very shores of the Rhine, and then drawn on maps, all sorts of combinations and ideas in case of hostilities in France1.
On these tours of General Staff believe it is necessary to make a brief digression, because these trips are one of those exercises in peacetime, which, in our opinion, a lot of the success of Prussian war, taught management armies and buildings neatly dispose of the troops dispersed to great distances, holding them at the same time, constant communication among themselves.
Compliance with this latter in particular is necessary now, when the field of military action have to move huge armies, which required a substantial number of ways.
The essence of General Staff travel is as follows: due from the district headquarters of General Staff officers, together with officers of the General Staff and under the guidance of a skilled generals, and sometimes the very Count Moltke, make a rough trip, riding, mounted with a small number of people who used As zholonery for symbols of the different corps and divisions.
This estimated earnings, officers representing themselves Cabinet headquarters, along with zholonerami, keeping constant distance between themselves, as if it were really moving part of the troops, similarly, for all these imaginary corps and divisions were elected accommodations and bivuaka, give it to them Written orders for traffic stops, the concentration of other corps, divisions and bands - by participating in the indicative hike officers priuchayutsya manage and operate major fighting forces at great distances, while maintaining at the same time, constant communication with other parts of the army.
To what extent this is the beginning, ie a permanent connection between the parts of troops, buildings and armies - is respected in Prussia, can be seen from the fact that apart from reports delivered very carefully selected corps and divisions, in the main apartment - before each stronger and more significant military action, as, for example, the concentration of troops, 16 and 18 August, under Metz, or the Battle of Sedan, 29 and 30 August - Earl Moltke, whatever gave them prikazany, traffic and the concentration of troops sent another of the main apartment special General Staff officers familiar with the overview of the upcoming case in the main divisions of the army, especially in the corps, which had to produce more complex movements. These officers, transferring orders remained in the parts of the troops who committed movement, until the arrival of their intended points, and then returned home in an apartment with detailed reports of the execution of selected parts of the data they prikazany.
Only such a precaution during the hostilities, as well as practical training officers of General Staff during peacetime, and may be attributed to an unusual precision and raschitannost all movements Prussian troops in this campaign, and the inextricable link that is continuously existed between different parts of the army .
Speaking of unusually thorough preparation Prussian army on all branches of the military government, not to silence, as the attention to the duties and a deep sense of duty, which are all, especially the senior army ranks, and that the total consideration, which enjoyed its are seriously engaged and working people. In this regard, especially the remarkable words of Crown Prince Prussian, Chief 3 armieyu, who has repeatedly expressed his regret that his army chief of staff, General Blumenthal has not been in this war, bosses over the shell command that it would be nicer Rather than execution Acting Chief of Staff, but that he, Prince, is appreciating the remarkable ability, intelligence and the activities of the generals, not to abandon his services.
In these words probably is not anything special, so much so that everyone knows that one man, without a capable assistant, is not always able to do much, but vniknuv closer to the meaning of those words, it is impossible not to recognize the greatness of soul of man, giving open properly a tribute to his aides, while for the most part, people, but something noticeable in the performance or social activities, trying, usually, all attributed to himself, and even diminish the merit of their subordinates.
Regarding the above, one can not but recall here some of your favorite Maxims known glavnokomandovavshih: «I am the Chief of Staff - the senior clerk», or «if my head will know that I think - I sozhgu it».
It is destructive acts such disregard for the subordinate and say directly - ungrateful attitude to their work is often very difficult - you can see that the people who serve in such a superior, losing not only energy and love of his case, but it seems even the most power and, for the most part, missing in a dozen mass mediocrity.
The choice of hull commanders in the Prussian army and the general nachalstvuyuschih those very remarkable - almost all of them perfectly educated people, even scientists - graduate course in higher military schools and, therefore, not only in practice but in theory studied warfare.
The following story is fairly well confirms our view on relations Prussian higher ranks to his subordinates.
One day, after lunch at 5 Army Corps commander, General Kirbaha, the latter turned to his Chief of Staff, Colonel Eshu, a request to tell the battle with Verti, where 5 corpus has played a major role. To be sure, it was to see how attentive and happy old general followed the brilliant story of his subordinate. The fact is that Colonel Ashe - General Kirbaha pupil, who previously was the director of cadet corps, and who really looks at the colonel as his pet and student. But, despite such relationships superior to a subordinate, Ash probably never asked thought that might know better their business educator who, as well acquainted with scientific military affairs, has, moreover, the practical experience gained long-term military services.
Then again, we return to the matter before us on the prepared theater.
Showed that has been done in this regard, in Prussia - now we turn to her opponent and take a look at how the commanders of those in the French army, were familiar with the terrain, dolzhenstvovavshey become a theater of military operations. Before the start of the campaign headquarters of the French generals and the army were distributed in large numbers, maps of Germany issued, though not particularly well, and with no thought to supply their own cards. To what extent stretched arrogance nachalstvuyuschih people in the military and their confidence in a clear victory over the Prussian, can be seen from the stories of several generals who allegedly said that they did not need in any maps, and take a shot (nous marchons aux canons).
However, not all have such views. Occasionally distributed lone voice of reason, pointing to the need for serious and careful preparations for war, in which the inevitability no doubt people are experienced and monitor events in Europe in recent years. That's what, for example, wrote on Dec. 7, 1866, ie three and a half years before the war, one of the abilities of French generals - Dyukro, then commander in Strasbourg, a General Troshyu2.

«As you prepare to make the truth high people around you, then add the following: As long as we solemnly and extensively discussing - what better than to take measures to establish the army, Prussia is actively preparing for the invasion of our borders. It will be able to put 600 000 people and 1200 pieces before we find an opportunity to organize personnel to 300 000 men and 600 cannons. On the other side of the Rhine there are no Germans, who did not believe in the possibility of a near-war. The most loving, whose relationship and interests can be considered rather French than the Germans - and those watching the fight, as a thing inevitable and can not understand our inaction, but because there is no action without reasons, then they explain it to that if our emperor really hooked in childhood.
«It is hardly possible to doubt that war does not break out today, so tomorrow. Only because of our vanity, pride and a mad glare, we can think that that would depend on ourselves to make a choice - choose convenient for us day and time (ie the end of the world) for our organization and our weapons. Frankly, I share your view and begin to think that our Government is really obsessed sumasshestviem, but if it is doomed to die Jupiter, it will not forget that the fate of our fatherland and our own fate linked to its fate, and as we have not surprised these unfortunate madness, and it must use every effort to stay on that fateful slope, which leads directly to the abyss.
«Here's another new detail, which turned its attention as it should open the eyes of most short-sighted. For some time, many Prussian agents shnyryayut on our border departments, especially between the Moselle and the Vosges, and they are trying to learn the mood of the people and act on the Protestants who are not in those areas, and that is not made by France, as generally thought. This is true sons and grandsons of those people who in 1815 sent many deputation in nepriyatelskuyu home apartment, with a request for the return of Alsace German homeland. This fact should not lose sight of, because it could shed a bright light on the plans and assumptions enemy. Exactly the same way three months before the opening of hostilities against the Austrian, Prussian acted in Bohemia and Silesia. »

So, from the letters of General Dyukro shows that the Prussian preparations for war, was known in France have long, but unattainable because of government arrogance of those not taken any steps to bring the army in a state that could successfully engage in combat strong enemy. This arrogance admix yet what is contempt for the enemy, the source of which were earlier victory over the Prussian. At the warnings from people experienced and foresight - the same is likely to generals, not in need of maps and plans, and ready to go to meet the enemy without intelligence, usually answered that the Prussian could learn French as they want - so they say, neopasno because, in any case, the general plan for the campaign, they will not find, because so far there is no!
As for the selection and appointment of principal officers over the French armies and corps, then, after a huge number of brochures and pamphlets issued by the French in the prosecution of its generals, it is hardly possible that something else from me to add a characteristic of people that have already reached public opinion.
When the thought that these brave troops as the French have been carried into battle without preparation and fruitlessly killed in unequal combat with the enemy, the heart involuntarily contracts of anger and pity.
The war has been unhappy for the French - at least so far, they have suffered terrible injury, suffered huge losses - but in general feedback, as the French, and German officers, French (officers and soldiers) always went to their deaths from selflessly courage and died as true heroes! Give must honor these valiant men who have not had the good fortune.

1) Do not ruchayas for reliability slyshannogo we pass as a rumor that if the plans and profiles of military railway built by Prussian, in this campaign, between the Pont and Monsoon and Remeli to circumvent Metz - then still employed by French troops have been drafted two years before the present war.

2) Letter it was revealed officials, the so-called black cabinet paper which captured the Government of People's Defense - considered by a special commission and published by order of the current Minister of Internal Affairs - Gambetty.

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